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Programs and Workshops

February Program is technique builders with the following members


Angela Rutter:  Jelly Roll Rug

Tracey Moyer:  Bias Applique Stems

Gail Kain:  Half Square Triangles from Strips

Marcie Bergstresser:  Basting Boards

Erica Adams:  Spray Basting

Susan (mystery quilter):  Faced Binding


A note about the March project: 

Brita Nelson will be presenting "Now You See It, Now You Don't" and is also giving a workshop "Making Magic, a Disappearing Block Sampler Quilt" on Saturday, March 25, at 9:30 am.  


It is a 6 hour workshop.  The cost of the workshop will be determined by how many participants sign up.  Brita's website is if you would like to see more information on the workshop.  If interested please contact Tracey.

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